전체 글 321

백준 단계별로 풀기 6단계 1차원 배열 사용하기 - 음계 (2920 문제) Python 2 답안

music = raw_input()music_list = music.split(" ")start_num = int(music_list.pop(0))result = Noneif start_num == 1: result = "ascending" for m in music_list: if (start_num != 1) and ((start_num + 1) != int(m)): result = "mixed" break start_num = int(m)elif start_num == 8: result = "descending" for m in music_list: if (start_num != 8) and ((start_num - 1) != int(m)): result = "mixed" break start_nu..

Algorithm/Baekjoon 2019.01.17

(Angular) Error - You can check this with `npm ls @ngtools/webpack`, and then remove the extra copies. 해결법

○ ng build 또는 ng serve시 에러 ERROR in ./src/polyfills.ts Module build failed: Error: Angular Compiler was detected but it was an instance of the wrong class. This likely means you have several @ngtools/webpack packages installed. You can check this with `npm ls @ngtools/webpack`, and then remove the extra copies. ○ npm ls @ngtools/webpack 입력 +-- @angular/cli@1.6.3 | `-- @ngtools/webpack@1.9.3 `-- ..