
[MongoDB] collection or index disappeared when cursor yielded: CappedPositionLost: CollectionScan died due to position in capped collection being deleted. 에러

Bonita SY 2020. 10. 15. 19:15

{"name":"MongoError","message":"collection or index disappeared when cursor yielded: CappedPositionLost: CollectionScan died due to position in capped collection being deleted. Last seen record id: RecordId(8146548)","ok":0,"errmsg":"collection or index disappeared when cursor yielded: CappedPositionLost: CollectionScan died due to position in capped collection being deleted. Last seen record id: RecordId(8146548)","code":16028}


음 이런 에러가 발생했다.


[SERVER-27487] sh.status() failed with err "collection or index disappeared when cursor yielded" - MongoDB

sh.status() failed with the following error message. Subsequent calls to sh.status() succeeded. mongos> sh.status() assert: command failed: { "ok" : 0, "errmsg" : "collection or index disappeared when cursor yielded: CappedPositionLost: CollectionScan died


구글링 해보니까, 뭐 mongoDB가 changelog 콜렉션을 스캔하다가, capped 에서 삭제된 record를 발견했다는 info성 에러 메시지 같다.


그냥 넘겨도 될듯.


실제로도 저 에러메시지 한번 발생하고, 그 다음부터는 발생하지 않았다.


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