
하루 10분! 영어 회화 초급

Bonita SY 2022. 3. 3. 22:30

 [ At a Fast Food Restaurant ] 

I would like [to have / to order] a chicken burger set.
치킨 버거 세트를 원합니다.

May I have ~ ? : 공손한 표현

I will have it to go.
가지고 갈게요.

Where are the toilets?
화장실이 어디 있나요?

 [ At a Coffee Shop ] 

What do you recommend?
무엇을 추천 하나요?

Where can I sit?
어디에 앉을 수 있을까요?

I would like to pay in cash.
현금으로 계산하겠습니다.

 [ At the Movies ] 

Which genre do you like?
어떤 장르를 좋아하세요?
= What kind of [movies | films] do you like?

How about an action comedy?
액션 코미디는 어떠세요?

Where can we find a place to buy popcorn?
팝콘 파는 곳은 어디에 있습니까?




 [At the Bank] 

I would like to withdraw some money from my account.

제 통장에서 돈을 찾고 싶습니다.

= I need to pull out some money.

= I need to withdraw money.


Where can I withdraw money?

어디서 돈을 찾을 수 있어?


How much do you need?

얼마 필요하세요?

= How much do you want? : 친구나 동료

= How much would you like? : 예의 바르게


Can you please fill out this slip?

전표를 작성해 주실 수 있으신가요?


fill out a paper : 서류를 작성하다




 [ At the Supermarket ] 

To sign up for something : 활동 신청하기

Where can I sign up?

어디서 신청하나요?

= Where can I sign up?

= Where do I sign up?

= How do I become a member?


Where do I sign up for soccer? : 어디서 축구를 신청하나요?


I also heard you have a delivery service.

배달 서비스가 있다고 들었습니다.


To pay extra : 추가 비용 지불하기

Do I need to pay extra?

추가로 돈이 더 드나요?

= Do I need to pay more money?

= Is there an extra charge?

= Do they charge more?


How long is it going to take? : 소요 시간 체크하기

How long does it take?

얼마나 걸리나요?

= How much time do I need?

= How much time is needed?


take time : 시간이 걸리다


How long is the dentist going to take you? : 치과 치료가 얼마나 걸릴까요?


 [ At the Bakery ] 

Helping to Make a choice
What kind would you like?
어떤 종류의 케이크를 원하십니까?
= Which one are you looking for?
= Which one would you like?

How about this cake?

이 케이크는 어떠신가요?

What kind of coffee would you like?

어떤 종류의 커피를 찾으시나요?

Expressing Regrets
What a shame!
= What a pity!
= That's too bad.

To pick up someone/something
What time do you want pick it up?
언제 가지고 가시길 원하나요?
= When do you want to [stop | pass | drop] by?
= When do you want us to have it ready?

When do you want to pick me up?

언제 나를 데리고 갈거야?

I'll pick you up tonight after work!

퇴근 후에 데리러 갈게.

 [ Buying a Sweater ] 

To look for something/someone
I'm looking for a sweater.
스웨터를 찾고 있다.
= I want to buy a sweater.
= I want a sweater.
= I would like to find a sweater.
= I'm checking out some sweaters.

I'm looking for my phone.

내 핸드폰을 찾고 있어.

To try something on
Can I try it on?
입어볼 수 있나요?
= Can I put it on?

Can I check if it fits?
사이즈가 잘 맞는지 확인해봐도 되나요?

Is it my size?
이게 제 사이즈인가요?

You can I try it on.
한번 입어보세요.

To get a Refund
Can I get a refund?
환불 가능한가요?
= Can I return it?
= Can I bring it back?
= Can I get my money back?

Can I exchange it?
교환이 가능한가요?



 [ At the Hotel ] 

To make a reservation
I made a reservation last week under 'John Lee'.
'John Lee'라는 이름으로 지난주에 예약했습니다.

To take care of something for someone
Is there anything else I can take care of for you?
추가로 도와드릴 거 있을까요?
= Is there anything I can take care of?
= What else can I do for you?

Can you take care of this for me?
저를 위해 이 일을 처리해주실 수 있나요?

To request something
Can I request a morning call?
모닝콜을 요청해도 될까요?
= Can I ask for a morning call?
= Can I have a morning call?

Let's we request some help?
도움을 요청하는게 어떨까요?

 [ On the Phone ] 

To ask to wait for a moment
Hold on please!
잠시 기다려주세요.
= Please, hold the line.

Where are you?
Hold on! I'm almost there.
기다려! 거의 다 왔어.

To leave a text message on mobile phone
Do you want to leave a message?
메시지 남기고 싶습니까?

To call someone back on the phone
I will call him back later.
나중에 그에게 다시 전화할게요.

 [ At the Restaurant ] 

To order food
I would like to [ have | order ] a glass a red wine.
레드 와인 한잔 주문할게요.
= I'll have a glass of red wine.

Can I have a cup of water?
물 한잔 마실 수 있을까요?

I want to order some orange juice.
오렌지 쥬스를 주문하고 싶습니다.

Let's get a bottle of wine.
우리 와인 한 병 시키자.

To follow someone's advice
We'll follow your advice.
당신의 조언을 따르겠습니다.
= We will listen to your advice.

To ask for the bill
Can we have the bill, please?
계산서 주시겠어요?
= Can you [give | bring] us the bill?
= We would like the bill.



 [ At the Airport ] 

Talking about transfer and Final destination
Paris is my final destination.
파리가 최종 목적지입니다.

I'm flying to Frankfurt.
난 프랑크푸르트로 갑니다.

I have to transfer in Frankfurt.
프랑크푸르트에서 환승할거예요.

I'm transferring.
여기서 환승합니다.
= I have to transfer here.

To check-in to a place
Any luggage to check-in?
부치실 짐 있으신가요?

I have a big suitcase to check-in.
큰 짐이 있습니다.

To be full
Is the flight full?
비행기가 만석인가요?
= Is then plane full?

 [ On the Plane ] 

To be about to do something
Is the plane about to take off soon?
비행기가 곧 이륙합니까?

be about = to be about
~을 하려고 한다.

take off
비행기가 이륙하고 있다
신발을 벗는다
우리는 떠난다

I'm about to go home.
난 잠시 후에 집에 갑니다.

I was about to call you.
제가 막 전화하려고 했어요.

To be prefer doing something
Would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?
창가 쪽 좌석과 복도 쪽 좌석 중 어느것을 선호하십니까?

I'd prefer a window seat, please.
저는 창가 쪽 좌석을 선호합니다.

prefer A to B

I personally prefer playing tennis.
개인적으로 저는 테니스를 선호합니다.

Asking about time difference
What's the time difference with Korea?
한국과 시차가 어떻게 됩니까?

France is 8 hours behind Korea.
프랑스는 한국보다 8시간이 늦어요.
= Korea is 8 hours ahead a France.


 [ At the Immigration Booth ] 

To show someone something
Show ne your photo.
사진을 보여줘.

Show me your passport, please.
여권을 보여주세요.

Here is my passport.
여기 제 여권이 있습니다.
= Let me get my passport.

The purpose of a stay/trip
What is the purpose of your trip?
여행의 목적이 뭡니까?

here is~

I'm here for leisure and visiting a friend.
친구를 만나기 위해 왔습니다.
= I'm here to visit a friend.

I'm here to + 동사
I'm here for + 명사
= ~를 하기위해 여기 왔다.

To stay at ~
I'm staying at the Grand Hotel.
그랜드 호텔에서 머무를 예정입니다.

I'm staying at ~
~에 머무르다.
= I'm sleepying at ~
= I booked a room at ~
= I'll be at ~

 [ At a Business Meeting ] 

To have a seat when you are tired
Have a seat.
= Please sit down.
= Please use this seat.

will 좋다
would 좋겠다

to sit 앉다
a seat 의자

Let's have a seat on this bench.
이 벤치에 앉읍시다.

To talk about something
We need to talk about this project.
이 프로젝트에 대해 의논할 필요가 있어요.

Where do you want to start?
어디서부터 시작할까요?

to talk about something
~에 대해서 이야기를 나누다

To work hard
Let's continue to work hard!
열심히 일합시다.

We need to work hard if we want to pass this test.
이 시험에 합격하려면 열심히 공부해야 해.



 [ At a Business Dinner ] 

To be a stuck in traffic
There's too much traffic!
교통 체증이 너무 심하군요
= I was stuck in a traffic jam.

To make oneself at home
Make yourself comfortable.
편하게 있으세요.
= Just relax and take it easy.

To raise a toast
I'd like to propose a toast.
제가 건배 제의를 하고 싶습니다.

to make a toast

 [At the Library]  

To search for something
Let me search for it.
제가 찾아보죠.
= Let me look for it.

I'm searching for my phone.
내 폰을 찾고 있어.

To borrow something from someone
Can I borrow this book?
이 책을 빌릴 수 있습니까?

to rent + 작은 물건
to rent + 큰 물건

Can I borrow your phone?
전화기를 빌릴 수 있을까요?

To keep something
How long can I keep it?
얼마나 가지고 있을 수 있을까요?

When is the return date?
반납 날짜가 언제입니까?

Keep this umbrella.
우산을 가지고 계세요.

 [At the Pharmacy]  

To feel well after an accident
I'm not feeling well.
몸 상태가 좋지 않습니다.

I feel well good.
상태가 좋아요.

can eat something 긍정
can't eat anything 부정

To go see a doctor
Did you go see a doctor?
의사를 만나 보셨습니까?
= Did you see a doctor?

Maybe you should see a doctor.
의사에게 가 보는 게 좋을 것 같아요.
= You should check with a doctor.

You must go see the doctor today.
오늘 꼭 의사한테 가보세요.

To take medicine
How do I take this medicine?
약을 어떻게 먹어야 할까요?

Take one pill with some water after each meal, 3 times a day.
하루 3번, 식 후에 한 알 드세요.

to take pill : 약을 먹다

Swallow this pill with some water.
물과 함께 알약을 삼켜라.


 [At the Doctor's Office]  

The symptoms to an illness
Where does it hurt?
어디가 아프십니까?

What are your symptoms?
당신의 증상은 뭡니까?

The symptom I have is a stomache.
제 증상은 복통입니다.
= My stomach hurts.
= I feel pain in my stomach.

To get a health check-up
I came to get a check-up.
저는 검진을 받으러 왔습니다.

You should get a health check-up at the hospital.
병원에 가서 건강검진 좀 받아봐.

To have medicine prescribed
Can you prescribe me some medicine?
약을 처방해주실 수 있나요?

The doctor prescribed me some medicine.
의사선생님이 제게 약을 처방해주셨습니다.

 [At the Post Office] 

To send something
I would like to send this parcel.
이 소포를 보내고 싶습니다.

Where do you want to send it to?
어디로 보내실 건가요?

to 주, 도시
to 도시 in 주

to send something to someone
~에게 ~을 보내다

To use the Express Mail Service(EMS)
Do you want to use the express mail service?
특급 우편을 이용하실 건가요?
= Would you like to try our express mail service?

Which mail service do you want to use?
어떤 메일 서비스를 이용하고 싶으세요?

Do you offer serveral mail services?
다양한 우편 서비스를 제공하나요?

To purchase stamps
I would like to buy some stamps.
우표를 조금 사러 왔습니다.

 [At the Hair Salon] 

To have something in mind
Do you have something in mind?
생각하고 오신 것이 있으십니까?

Do you know what you want?
What's on your mind?
무슨 생각을 하고 있습니까? (= 어떤 스타일을 원하시나요?)

To follow a trend
What's the trend?
트렌드가 뭡니까?

What's in?
What's hot?

To suit someone
It would suit you well!
잘 어울리네요.
= That matches with your looks.
= It fits you very well.

I think they suit you well.
당신에게 잘 어울립니다.

